Spyfunk! Excerpt: Ghost by Milton J. Davis
The cargo plane landed with a thud on the dirt runway, miles away from the tourist destination of Montego Bay. Malik jostled in his seat,...
Spyfunk! Excerpt: Ghost by Milton J. Davis
Spyfunk Excerpt: Codes and Coda by BJ Jones
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Standing Death by R. Turner
Spyfunk Excerpt: Train, Pain and Naturals by Gavin Matthew
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Bonds That Bind by Dennis R. Upkins
Spyfunk Excerpt: When The Tide Turns by Tiara Jante'
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Interview by Keith Gaston
Spyfunk! Excerpt: The End is the Ecstasy by William J. Jackson
Spyfunk! Excerpt: Spy School by John F. Allen
Spyfunk! Excerpt: She Loves How He Glows by Eugen Bacon
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