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Milton Davis
Jun 13, 20226 min read
Spyfunk! Excerpt: Ghost by Milton J. Davis
The cargo plane landed with a thud on the dirt runway, miles away from the tourist destination of Montego Bay. Malik jostled in his seat,...
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Milton Davis
Jun 12, 20228 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: Codes and Coda by BJ Jones
Dakkaran, Marinado, January 5th “Effective immediately! All cab and livery service vehicles in the city of Dakkaran are suspended. A...
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Milton Davis
Jun 10, 20224 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Standing Death by R. Turner
Nakisisa loathed the smell of boiled cabbage. There was no place in Freeport where he could escape the odor. The residents cooked it in...
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Milton Davis
Jun 1, 20225 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: Train, Pain and Naturals by Gavin Matthew
Thunder shook the Missouri terrain while lightning danced across its vast scenery. Rain showered the night as if the sky was in mourning....
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Milton Davis
May 27, 20223 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Bonds That Bind by Dennis R. Upkins
The boys said nothing. Lips busted, jaws swollen, the two alternated between nursing their wounds with ice packs and scowling at each...
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Milton Davis
May 25, 20224 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: When The Tide Turns by Tiara Jante'
The air is crisp and cool like the steel and titanium skeleton holding me together. As I sit at my desk, observing each person passing by...
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Milton Davis
May 24, 20226 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: The Interview by Keith Gaston
Three a.m. Lying on the cot, eyes open, Cinnamon stared up at nothing, hoping to penetrate its emptiness, but the totality of the dark...
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Milton Davis
May 23, 20226 min read
Spyfunk! Excerpt: The End is the Ecstasy by William J. Jackson
Sanchin Slitherway 2125 Machines toiled for ninety years to rebuild the metropolis the Germans had inked over two centuries before. Next...
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Milton Davis
May 21, 20226 min read
Spyfunk! Excerpt: Spy School by John F. Allen
If Oxford Jameson had his way, he’d have wooed her, determined what she knew, double-tapped her, and been done with it. However, his...
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Milton Davis
May 20, 20224 min read
Spyfunk! Excerpt: She Loves How He Glows by Eugen Bacon
It’s a night of black flies, soft-bodied and bioluminescent, dancing their lights in a hunt or a woo. They’re not the dead, no mark of a...
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Milton Davis
May 19, 20225 min read
Spyfunk Excerpt: Ace of Spades by Balogun Ojetade
Mahbas, Western Sahara The man’s normally fawn-brown skin had permanently turned the color of burnt sienna after spending over a decade...
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Milton Davis
May 18, 20227 min read
Spyfunk! Excerpt: A Bullet From A God's Gun by Napoleon Wells
I am Emaje Bul. I am Bilawa. I was letting those two truths flow out and over me every few seconds. I was born in the Bilawa Lands and...
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