1). Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am an attorney and married mother of one son, one cat and one Doodle. We live in Oak Park, just west of Chicago.
2). Who is your favorite vampire author?
Anne Rice
3). If you had the choice, would you be a vampire?
Yes. Why not?
4). Who is your favorite vampire?
Dracula as played by Frank Langella. I’m still infatuated with his performance.
5). What do you like the most about Slay?
The fantasy element that allows writers to be creative in countless ways.
6). What inspired you to write your story?
The character of Amondi was inspired by Lupita Nyong’o and the night typist at my first job. I never met her. But the dictation appeared, magically, each morning, typed. I wondered: What does she do when she’s not typing? It could be literally anything, including vampire slayer.
7). Tell us a bit about your story.
Amondi Jekesai is a part-time Vampire Assassin. Talen Teasdale calls her for help with his wife. He’s not sure, but he thinks his wife might be a vampire.
8). What do you hope accomplish with your story?
It’s a short story that I hope to turn into a novel.
9). Will there be more stories of your character?
Absolutely! I’m working on one now.
10). How do we keep up with all things Lynette Hoag?
Lynette S. Hoag my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/leftbrainmom and on Twitter @LeftBrainMom
11). What advice would you give to Slay readers about this anthology?
Prepare to be addicted and left wanting more.
To read Lynette Hoag's story and the other amazing stories in this fantastic anthology, preorder your e-book today!
