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V.G. Harrison Slays Eleven Questions

1). Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is V.G. Harrison and I write science fiction. I've been a writer for over fifteen years now and I'm also published under another pen name. Most of that stuff is urban fantasy, YA, and paranormal romance.

2). Who is your favorite vampire author?

Laurell K. Hamilton

3). If you had the choice, would you be a vampire?

No. I'd get bored being immortal and watching everyone I love die around me.

4). Who is your favorite vampire?

Bram Stoker's Dracula

5). What do you like the most about Slay?

I fell in love with the cover, first. Then, the diversity in terms of the characters and the stories.

6). What inspired you to write Message in a Vessel?

I love science fiction, so naturally, I had to come up with a science fiction story. However, I didn't want the vampire to be an alien or anything like that. To me, that's the easy road. So, the only other option was for the vampires to have been human. Then, I was watching something on TV where they were talking about herd immunity and the coronavirus. At that point, I knew I had my vampire story.

7). Tell us a bit about your story.

Message in a Vessel is set in the distant future where a virus has changed most of the world into vampires and they realize they're running out of food. The only place they can turn to now to quench their thirst is the stars. Their hope is to use their technology to reach other worlds with DNA similar enough that they can trick them into coming to our world for dinner.

8). What do you hope to accomplish with Message in a Vessel?

I hope it reaches a wider audience for my other sci-fi novels where the main character will always be a woman of color and not shy away from a career in STEM. My characters are scientists, pilots, astronauts, programmers, and engineers. We are not caregivers nor are we the ones who need saving. We're the ones you're going to want in your corner when the world needs saving.

9). Will there be more stories of Dr. Adelynn Jakande?

I would love to see where Adelynn goes from here. When she lived on Earth, she had an interesting life and with the way she ends her story in SLAY, it'll most likely be a very adventurous one, too.

10). How do we keep up with all things V.G. Harrison?

You can always hit me up at, if you're in the market for sci-fi. If you're in the market for paranormal, then it's

11). What advice would you give to Slay readers about this anthology?

Have fun with it! With all of these amazing authors and different genres, you're bound to find something that will leave you screaming for more.

To read Message in a Vessel by V.G. Harrison and the other amazing stories in this fantastic anthology, preorder your e-book today!

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